ATWS Podcast #68: The Stray Birds

The Stray BirdsThe Stray Birds are Maya DeVitry, Oliver Craven and Charlie Muench. This Lancaster-based folk trio will be releasing their second CD and first full-length album The Stray Birds on July 21 at a special intimate CD release concert at The Community Room on Prince. If you haven’t purchased a ticket to that show you’re out of luck. It sold out within days of the original announcement. But, you can pre-order the new album at their website now, or pick up a copy after the release on Saturday.
UPDATE: The Stray Birds is available now here.
It’s been well over a year since I talked with Oliver about his music. At that time, this band was only a part-time collaboration between friends. Now The Stray Birds is the primary focus for all three members. It was a real pleasure to have an opportunity to chat with the band and preview a few of the tracks from the new record before they head out on a national tour that will carry them through the rest of the summer and well into the fall.
The Wood Stove House Stage @ Lemon Street Market returns to Lancaster Music Friday this week. On Friday, July 20 we welcome Jordan Rast to Lemon Street Market for a free outdoor summer evening concert in the Lemon Street Market parking lot. You can find more details about the event here!
The 3rd and final Music in the Orchard concert at Hans Herr House will be held on Saturday, July 28 featuring country songwriter Dave Lefever and York bluegrass trio Waitin on a Train. Music in the Orchard concerts are a delightful way to spend a summer evening in the shade of Lancaster’s oldest historic home, the Hans Herr House!
Around the Wood Stove is a production of the Wood Stove House and is hosted by Jason Mundok. Support for Around the Wood Stove comes from Lemon Street Market at 241 W. Lemon St, Lancaster, PA.
Lemon Street Market
You can now hear Around the Wood Stove while on the go with Stitcher SmartRadio. Stitcher is a free news and talk mobile app available for your iPad or smart phone with access to 1000s of programs without syncing or downloading. Click here and enter the promo code WOODSTOVE to have a download link for the app sent directly to your email inbox. Plus, you’ll be automatically entered to win $100. Stitcher is the smart way to listen to radio!

7 Replies to “ATWS Podcast #68: The Stray Birds”

  1. Stuart Martin

    Jason, Very nice job with these great musicians and people. Maya may feel that “Railroad Man” has high harmonies, but I am always stunned when I hear their tribute to Ralph and Carter Stanley with the upcoming “My Brother’s Hill”. I hope to meet you on Saturday. Stuart

  2. Nolan

    Really enjoyed The Stray Birds on your podcast. Looking forward to seeing them a couple of times this week in Central VA.

    • Jason Mundok

      Excellent! Thanks for checking in, Nolan. We caught a special private barn show with the Birds last Sunday and it was simply fabulous. Glad you’ll be enjoying them this week. And thanks for listening to the show.

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